Adrenal amyloidosis

Adrenal amyloidosis - low magnification
Adrenal cortex and medulla, autopsy specimen, low magnification (H&E)

These photomicrographs belong to the adrenal taken at autopsy of an older adult who died in hospital of renal failure and resistant shock. He had been recently diagnosed with AA amyloidosis. The cause of his resistant shock was thought to be due to sepsis, although no organisms were ever detected and he did not respond… Continue reading Adrenal amyloidosis

Ars uero longa

In 2017, I wrote an essay about a manuscript comment on the Aphorisms of Hippocrates by the 15th-century physcian Ugo Benzi (also known as Hugo of Sienna). This paper, under the direction of Prof. Faith Wallis at McGill University’s Department of History and Classical studies, analyzes the incipit of the manuscript and the insights it… Continue reading Ars uero longa